Due to the strong south westerly winds we had to find a sheltered site, so decided on Battery Buoy and we made slack water too! Of course it was dark below 25m but the water column was quite clear, green but clear, around 3-5m but a good 5-8m above 25m and lighter and clearer. My buddy Simon and I counted at least 8 lobsters, I saw a crayfish (no photo though because it was deep inside a small cavern) lots of bib sheltering inside a larger cavern, conger eel, lots of different types of crabs, plenty of large scallops, nudibranchs everywhere leaving all their eggs scattered around in the shallows and a couple of mermaid purses. We came across a deep drop off with a large opening into a huge cave – but unable to go inside as we had already started to come back from our deepest part of the dive. (38m) Next time I’m going in there!