Five divers turned up for the dive on Saturday 14 September 2019, despite parking restrictions at Mount Batten due to a dinghy racing event. We managed to launch before the event started, and return before it ended. We dived the Drop Off (Sunset site). The sun was shining, but the sea a bit rough at first due to a southerly swell and a northerly wind. It calmed down during the course of the morning. Pairs were Richard Baker, Lynne Bracegirdle & Martyn Bennett, and Steve Porter & Nick Mcpherson. Vis was 10-15m, and as we normally dive this site in poor winter vis, it is always a revelation to encounter good vis. In particular, it enables the huge shoals of fish, mainly poor cod, that inhabit this site to be seen. Also seen were small conger, ling, john dory, lobster, crayfish (dozens), cuttlefish, and sunset corals. Thanks to Martyn for launch and retrieval of the Ribcraft.